
64/ Ecologies of Architecture 5: Feminist Ethics of Sustainability MMXVII

ABE 008

Ecologies of Architecture 5
PhD Advanced Architecture Theory Research Seminar on
Feminist Ethics of Sustainability
A. Radman and S. Kousoulas, TU Delft Spring Semester 2018

The Theory Chair of the Architecture Department is offering ABE 008 seminar to PhD candidates and academic research staff, whose research topics relate to architectural and urban theory, philosophy, and contemporary concerns of spatial, socio-political, ethico-aesthetical, cultural and scientific relevance to the disciplines of design.

The course is framed within a seminar structure every second/third Monday from 14:30-18:00 during the Spring term, in which participants will engage in guided readings and group discussions on the thematic of each individual session. The aim is to generate an environment in which all participants will gain knowledge on a specific topic, while developing a set of useful methodologies and research skills.

The fifth edition of the course Ecologies of Architecture will kick off in February 2018 under the guidance of Andrej Radman and Stavros Kousoulas. Ecologies of Architecture V a.k.a. Space Girls will be devoted to the concept of Feminist Ethics of Sustainability defined by the inseparability of a vital affective state, an ethical obligation and a practical labour.


February 12, 2018
•  Iris van Tuin
•  María Puig de la Bellacasa

February 26, 2018
•  Rosi Braidotti
•  Anna Hickey-Moody

March 12, 2018
•  Claire Colebrook
•  Elisabeth Grosz

March 26, 2018
•  Isabel Stengers

April 16, 2018
•  Donna Haraway

May 07, 2018
•  Karen Barad
•  Marion Young

May 28, 2018
•  Anne Sauvagnargues
•  Jill Stoner

June 18, 2018
•  Laboria Cuboniks
•  Luciana Parisi

Learning Objectives
In a desperate attempt to catch up with forms of contemporary image culture, architects tend to forget where their strength lies. To speak of culture as forms of life, as Scott Lash argues, is to break with earlier notions of culture as representation, as reflection. It is to break with judgement for experience, with epistemology for ontology, and finally to break with a certain type of cognition for living. While accepting multiple scales of reality the Ecologies of Architecture opposes the alleged primacy of the ‘physical’ world discovered by physics. By contrast, it posits that what we have to perceive and cope with is the world considered as the environment. The emphasis is on the encounter, where experience is seen as an emergence which returns the body to a process field of exteriority. The ultimate goal of the Ecologies of Architecture is to debunk hylomorphism – where form is imposed upon inert matter from without and where the architect is seen as a god-given, inspired creator and genius – and to promote the alternative morphogenetic approach that is at once more humble and ambitious.

At the conclusion of each seminar / course the participants will have:
•  gained knowledge and understanding on the specific thematic and context of each seminar (content-based)
•  associated the contents of the seminar to his or her own research topic, expressing this relationship in concrete, relevant ways (argument-based)
•  developed skills relevant to carrying out advanced research: from following intensive readings and discussing them in a peer work-group, to preparing an academic research paper for publication (method-based)

Teaching Method

This course will follow a seminar structure and advanced research methods. Depending on the individual seminar leaders, the seminar will follow a series of formats, but generally will be based on fortnightly research output presentations, followed by a discussion on sources, references and bibliographies, which will involve the creation of an information nexus for the seminar discussions. The ultimate goal of each seminar is to assist the participants to develop reasoned and convincing argument, as well as to develop scholarly research papers for publication.


•  Iris van Tuin and Rick Dolphijn (2012) ‘The Transversality of New Materialism’
•  Rosi Braidotti (2013) ‘Post-Humanism: Life beyond the Self’
•  Claire Colebrook (2017) ‘Sex and the (Anthropocene) City’
•  Isabel Stengers (2013) ‘Matters of Cosmopolitics: On the Provocations of Gaïa’
•  Donna Haraway (2016) ‘Sympoiesis: Symbiogenesis and the Lively Arts of Staying with the Trouble’
•  Karen Barad (2007) ‘Difractions: Diferences, Contingencies, and Entanglements That Matter’
•  Anne Sauvagnargues (2016) ‘The Concept of Modulation in Deleuze, and the Importance of Simondon to the Deleuzian Aesthetic’
•  Laboria Cuboniks (2015) ‘Xenofeminism: A Politics for Alienation’
•  Luciana Parisi (2016) ‘Figure-Ground Interview’

•  María Puig de la Bellacasa (2012) ‘”Nothing comes without its world”: thinking with care’
•  Anna Hickey-Moody (2017) ‘Pussy Riot’
•  Elisabeth Grosz (2013) ‘Sexual difference as sexual selection: Irigarayan reflections on Darwin’.
•  Isabel Stengers (1997) ‘The Question of Unknowns’
•  Donna Haraway (1988) ‘Situated Knowledges: The Science Question in Feminism and the Privilege of Partial Perspective’
•  Marion Young (1990) ‘Throwing Like a Girl: A Phenomenology of Feminine Body Comportment, Motility, and Spatiality’
•  Jill Stoner (2012) ‘What is a Minor Architecture?’
•  Laboria Cuboniks (2016) ‘Conversation DIS Magazine

About the Lecturer

Andrej Radman has been teaching theory courses and design studios at TU Delft Faculty of Architecture and The Built Environment since 2004. In 2008 he was appointed Assistant Professor of Architecture and joined the research and teaching staff of the Delft School of Design (DSD). As a graduate of the Zagreb School of Architecture in Croatia, Radman received a Master’s Degree with Honours and a Doctoral Degree from Delft University of Technology. His current research focuses on New Materialism in general and Ecologies of Architecture in particular. Radman is a member of the National Committee on Deleuze Scholarship, and production editor and member of the editorial board of the peer-reviewed architecture theory journal Footprint. He is also a licensed architect with a portfolio of built and competition-winning projects. In 2002 Radman won the Croatian Association of Architects annual award for housing architecture in Croatia.

Course Data

Course code
ABE 008
Course type
Advanced courses on a range of topics involving architectural/urban theory, philosophy, cultural analysis and science
Most appropriate for
PhD candidates at all stages
Free for PhD candidates of A+BE Graduate School
Number of participants
min. 10 /max. 12
Name of lecturer(s)/coach(es)
Dr.ir. Andrej Radman (lecturer), ir. Stavros Kousoulas (assistant)
Course load
Active period: 28 hours contact (seminar) plus 28 hours self-study (preparation) 
Graduate School credits
Attendance and active participation
Once a year in Spring
Upcoming course dates and times
Spring 2018, Mondays 14:30-18:00(see detailed schedule in course description)
Contact: a.radman@tudelft.nl

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